exotic floral flavor
Gives lush and glossy look • Tones the lips • Builds form
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Murumuru Butter is obtained from the palm Astrocaryum murumuru. The butter is obtained by the hydraulic cold pressing of the seeds of the fruits of the Murumuru Palm. It is a very stable butter which adds to its popularity and usefulness in so many applications, from cosmetics, to hair and skin care and more. Prevents drying of the skin due to its humectant and moisture binding properties. The butter has been found to possess anti-inflammatory ,antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

Candelilla Cerawax, derived from candelilla plants, a small succulent that grows in bunche It is used as a thickening agent and emollient. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

Macadamia Nut Oil is cold pressed form the nut of Macadamia integrifolia trees. Macadamia Nut Oil, Macadamia integrifolia, has one of the highest sources of the essential fatty acid, palmitoleic acid, found in animal oils he absolute best, plant alternative, to animal based oils, this is the oil of choice to replace the activity of Mink Oil, and even Shark Liver Oil. Macadamia Nut Oil is excellent in hair care. It eliminates flaking and moisturizes fragile, damaged, dry skin.

Babassu oil is obtained from babassu plant, brazilian palm tree. It is creamy white oil which has similar properties to coconut oil. Babassu oil is one of the best emollients for all skin types. It soothes, moisturizes dry skin. Since it contains Vitamin E, it has antioxidant properties. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. For instance it is used for dry skin as well as for oily scalps and light inflammations or acne due to its antimicrobial and cooling effects.

It is obtained by cold pressing and degumming the oil from the kernels of sweet almonds. The fact that Sweet Almond Oil contains a large number of essential fatty acids also helps in improves the barrier function of your skin and protects it from drying. Almond oil is a powerful antioxidant and protects the skin and optimizes its absorption behaviour. It is ideal as a massage oil. It penetrates very deep into the first layer of the skin. Use of this oil has the antiinflammatory, regenerating and tonic effect on skin. Oil is rich with vitamin E which prevents destruction of collagen and stimulates the healing skin processes.

Ricinus Communis (Castor) seed oil is made from the seeds from the Ricinus Communis plant otherwise known as castor beans. The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of castor oil make it useful in reducing acne. Castor oil is also rich in other fatty acids. These can enhance smoothness and softness when applied to facial skin. It penetrates into the skin and boosts the production of collagen which softens and hydrates the skin. It rejuvenates the skin by making it softer and smoother. Castor oil is the best oil to enrich your scalp and to improve hair growth, t helps to get rid of dandruff.

Low-molecular-weight-HA (< 500 kDa) can hydrate the skin somewhat deeper though it is still a big molecule and works mainly in the epidermis (outer layer of the skin). Hyaluronic Acid and Sodium Hyaluronate can replace some of the water lost in the dermis, and potentially fight wrinkles and other signs of aging. Stimulates own hyaluronic acid production. Improves skin immunity by stimulating the production of antimicrobial peptides.

Squalene are natural components of human sebum, a mixture of lipids produced by glands in the skin. It is used in cosmetics to reduce trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL) or prevent moisture loss, and to restore the skin’s suppleness and flexibility. It reducees the oxidative damage to the skin due to exposure to UV light and prevents pigmentation.

Tocopherols are another group of chemicals that make up the vitamin E family. Tocotrienols target specific free radicals and sources of inflammation, however. Applied to skin, it is considered a good moisturizing and skin-soothing ingredient. Beta-Sitosterol ia a fatty acid-type ingredient derived from plants. Beta-sitosterol occurs naturally in many fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. It is similar to cholesterol, which occurs naturally in skin. It Improves an epitelization, ptotecks from UV-rays.

Xanthan gum is a polysaccharide with many industrial uses, which is made by mixing fermented sugars. It is used as a stabiliser, emulsifier, thickener, suspending agent and bodying agent. Xanthan gum exhibits high viscosity at low concentrations, little change in viscosity at varying temperatures, and excellent stability over a wide pH range.It improves cream texture und moisturizes the skin.

Растительный воск, получаемый после обработки рисового жмыха.
Обладает способностью удерживать влагу, образуя на коже тонкую гигроскопичную плёнку, препятствующую потере воды. Благодаря окклюзионному воздействию на кожу применяется в детких кремах под подгузик и в косметике для атопичной кожи.

Английский высококачественный безводный ланолин с сертификатами Vegan и Ecosert.
Шерстяной воск, получаемый путём вываривания шерсти овец. Густое желтое или желтовато-бурое масло с характерным запахом. Особо ценится в восстанавливающей косметике и в косметике для сухой кожи за свой уникальный состав с большим содержанием стеринов (в частности, холестерина, изохолестирина и т.д.), высших жирных кислот (миристиновой, пальмитиновой, церотиновой и др.), а так же свободных высокомолекулярных спиртов.
Обладает сильным смягчающим, увлажняющим и ранозаживляющим действием.
Это природная слюда, которая окрашивается при помощи минеральных пигментов в разные оттенки. Варьируется и помол - мелкие частицы придают атласный блеск, а крупные частицы красиво искрятся.
Мика, благодаря форме частиц, дает плотное покрытие и делает макияж очень стойким.

- Lаnolin
- Candelilla Cera
- Oryza Sativa Bran Cera
- Mica
- Rhododendron Adamsii Extract
- Pimpinella Аnisum Extract
- Sodium Hyaluronate (low-molecular)
- Stevioside
- Cymbopogon Martini Oil
- Calendula Officinalis Extract